Writing with the Typewriter

Class with Joseph M. Jablonski

Marshall McLuhan stated, “The medium is the message.”

This class is a 5-day course where students use a genuine antique typewriter to do generative writing, edited rewriting and then pair that with modern technology to move their typewritten pieces into the digital sphere.

Ideal for either seasoned writers who want to try something new in their editing process or new writers who want to utilize these antique machines to create new pieces of work.

Previous keyboard typing experience (especially in younger students) is preferred as it will help students jump-start typewriter usage. Class participation restricted to 13 years and older. Teens, Adults, Seniors.

Over the course of the classes, students will:
  1. Get comfortable using a typewriter to create unique pieces of prose and poetry,
  2. Edit by-hand and then rewrite pieces to more deeply engage with their work,
  3. Utilize the red pen and even possibly the literal “cut/copy and paste,” and
  4. Learn ways they can easily import their typewritten work into digital formats.
Throughout the class, typewriter history, utility, and information will be also shared. At the end of the class, we will discuss submission strategies and, if desired, submit our originally typewritten pieces to journals and contests.

Cut off date to register is January 20th. Only 8 spots available.

Sign up early, don’t risk missing out before the class fills up.

Class Information


Cancelled. Apologies, but those of you who signed up will be contacted for refunds.



Cancelled. Apologies, but those of you who signed up will be contacted for refunds.


$125 if you are a VECCA member, $145 if you are not a member of VECCA. You can pay in person at VECCA with cash, check or credit card. 

Class Location

Valley Educational Center for the Creative Arts, 123 S Main Street, Woodstock VA 22664.

What supplies should students bring?

Smart phone with camera. No typewriter neccesary. Students can bring their own typewriter if they have one.

What supplies will the teacher provide?

Typewriters (will be supplied for home use, if needed ), Red Pens, Paper, Scissors, Glue, Scanner.

Who can attend

13 years and older. Teens, Adults, Seniors.

Instructor Information

Joseph M. Jablonski


VECCA will be


Roads might be treacherous today.
Stay safe everyone.